
Kimble Blog

The articles below are great resources to help you learn more about what’s going on at Kimble and various refuse and recycling tips and tricks!

What Can and Cannot be Recycled with Kimble: Recycling Tip Tuesday

What Can and Cannot be Recycled with Kimble: Recycling Tip Tuesday

When in Doubt, Throw it Out!

One of the most important rules of recycling is knowing what belongs in the bin. If you’re unsure whether an item is recyclable or if it’s not listed in our Recycling Guide, it’s best to play it safe and place it in the trash. Contaminated or non-recyclable items in the recycling stream can create major issues, like damaging equipment.

Plastic Bags Cannot be Recycled at Kimble

Did you know that plastic bags cannot be recycled at Kimble? While convenient, plastic bags often tangle in recycling machinery, causing delays and necessary repairs. Instead, find creative ways to reuse or repurpose them, such as:

  1. Using them as waste bags for small trash cans
  2. Reusing them for upcoming grocery trips
  3. Crafting DIY projects

For more information on acceptable recyclables, check out our Recycling Guide.

Test Your Recycling Knowledge!

Think you’re a recycling expert? We put our followers to the test with this post on Facebook:

Which of these items can be recycled?

1️⃣ T-Shirt

2️⃣ Plastic Jug

3️⃣ Styrofoam Cups

4️⃣ Light Bulbs

The correct answer: #2! Clean plastic jugs are recyclable at Kimble!

How to Recycle Properly at Home

Recycling properly helps reduce waste and keeps non-recyclables out of the bin. Here are a few key recycling tips:

  • Start recycling at home by setting up separate bins for recyclables and non-recyclables.
  • Know what can and cannot be recycled—when in doubt, throw it out to avoid recycling contamination.
  • Check what types of plastic can be recycled—not all plastics are accepted, so look at local recycling guidelines.
  • Reduce plastic waste at home by using reusable bags, bottles, and containers.
  • Dispose of plastic bags properly by returning them to store drop-off bins instead of placing them in curbside recycling.
  • Understand the difference between recycling and upcycling—while recycling breaks materials down to make new products, upcycling reuses materials creatively without breaking them down.


Why Follow Kimble’s Recycling Tips?

Every Recycling Tip Tuesday post is designed to help you recycle more effectively and keep non-recyclables from contaminating our recycle stream. By following these tips, you’ll help reduce contamination and support sustainable practices!

Have a question about recycling? Share it with us on Facebook, and it might be featured in a future recycling tip! Don’t forget to visit our Recycling Guide or contact us today for detailed information on what can be recycled at Kimble.

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