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June 2024 Employee Spotlight: Kim Burkhart

Posted by Kimble Spotlight

KimAt Kimble, we are proud to recognize members of our team that bring dedication to serving our communities. Meet our June 2024 Employee Spotlight, Kim Burkhart, a member of our Kimble team for nearly 11 years.

Kim has spent her time at Kimble as a Residential Driver, serving communities in Eastern Ohio. Her commitment to her customers and coworkers has become her favorite part of working at Kimble. One of Kim's fondest memories at Kimble is driving a Kimble truck in a local parade alongside her grandchildren.

Outside of work, Kim enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren, as well as going on vacations. Family is important to Kim, and this value extends to her work life, where both her brother and son are also proud members of the Kimble team.

Reflecting on her experience, Kim emphasized that success at Kimble is a team effort as she shared "It’s not about me, it’s about everyone. The Dover team works well together.”

Join us in congratulating Kim Burkhart, our June 2024 Employee Spotlight! 

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